Our SAT & ACT test prep tutors are here to help you get the best possible score on your exam.
If you are getting ready to graduate high school and apply to colleges, you will need to take the SAT. Pretty much every college and university in the United States uses SAT scores as one of the metrics for applicants, so your score will affect your chances of being accepted into the program of your choice. Our team at APlus Test Prep offers dedicated SAT & ACT test prep services to help you get ready for this exam and maximize your score.
Unlike AP exams, which test your knowledge of course content, the SAT is designed to test your ability to reason. Knowing the content being tested will certainly help improve your score, especially in the math section, but it’s also important to know good test-taking strategies. Our team will help you with both aspects of the test. We’ll work with you to identify which areas you struggle with, and then we’ll create a customized plan to help you improve those skills and increase your confidence.
In addition to offering practical educational support, we can also offer suggestions on how to deal with test anxiety so that you can stay calm focused on test day. When you enroll in our SAT test prep program, you’ll have the chance to take multiple practice tests so that you’ll know what to expect during the main event.
We are proud to serve the Durham, North Carolina area, and we want to help you get the best possible score on your SAT. If you are interested in our SAT test prep program, we encourage you to give us a call to find out how to enroll.