Our test prep solutions deliver results.
Getting ready for a big test can be a nerve-wracking experience. While you feel like you have prepared the best you can, how do you know you will do well? This is the question that goes through the heads of high schoolers, college students, and even adults everywhere the night before a big test, licensure exam, or certification exam.
Feel confident about your test prep by turning to us at APlus Test Prep. We provide test prep, both in-person for those throughout the Durham, North Carolina area and online for those located elsewhere. We offer the following test prep services:
- Test Prep for Middle and High School students–We help students score higher on important tests such as the SAT, ACT, ISEE, ASVAB, EOC, and more!
- Professional School Prep—If you are preparing to take your education further, we can help you get ready to take the LSAT, MCAT, PMP, Praxis, and more!
- Certification Prep—Prepare to become a CNA nurse’s aide, general contractor, or another professional holding a necessary certification by signing up for one of our test prep courses.
- Licensing Prep—Whether you want to earn or renew your teaching license, real estate license or nursing license, we can help you prepare for the licensing exam.
We have been helping high schoolers, college students, and adults get scores that open doors since 2011. Contact us today to find out more about our test prep options and to sign up for one of our proven courses.